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Equality Office’s Services / Help-Line

What number to call? The Help-Line number is (+30)210-8219552

When can you call? The Help-Line operates on a three-hour basis (10:00 – 13:00), on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Issues Covered by the Help-Line: The Help-Line offers information mainly on the following areas:

  • Representation issues: Union membership, members’ rights, creation, establishment and operation of unions, electing representatives, Committee participation, operation of Local and Sectoral Federations, jurisdiction, relevant legislation etc.
  • Entrepreneurship issues: Financing programmes, structures for the support of entrepreneurship, enterprise consulting, mentoring etc.
  • Labour and Insurance issues.
  • Education, Learning and Training: Knowledge updating, qualifications certification, innovation, information on programmes that are going to be implemented by IME/KEK GSEVEE and other relevant institutions, terms of participation etc.
  • Other equality-related issues (e.g. reconciling family and professional life etc.).

How is the information provided? Information will be provided:

  • Directly.
  • Through a follow-up contact: after studying the request.
  • With due reference to the proper agency, according to the nature of the request.

Who does it concern? Considering the fact that equality is an issue that concerns everyone and needs the active participation of both women and men, the Equality Office, appeals to:

  • Women coming from the professional sectors represented by GSEVEE (self-emplyed professionals and employers who are active in the manufacturing, services and trade sectors) that do not engage in association activities.
  • Female and male association representatives who participate in the sectoral and local Federations (members of GSEVEE), as well as in their Unions.
  • Women that wish to be actively involved in entrepreneurship.






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