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Regional Empowering Seminars

IME/GSEVEE’s Equality Office is going to organize six two-day Seminars (lasting 10 hours each) as part of its targeted actions for training and empowering women. These Seminars aim at increasing, both quantitatively and qualitatively, female participation in collective bodies, as well as at promoting women in positions of responsibility.

The seminars will be held in the Regions where the headquarters of the regional bodies of IME/GSEVEE are located:

  • Attica – Athens (25 persons Seminar)
  • Central Macedonia – Thessaloniki (15 persons Seminar)
  • Epirus – Ioannina
  • Thessalia – Larissa
  • Western Greece - Patra
  • Crete – Heraklion

Objectives of the Seminars

The above seminars are designed to develop skills and strategies in order to support female participation in collective bodies and representative institutions, to promote women in positions of responsibility, and to address broader issues regarding the elimination of gender stereotypes.

Subject Areas

Subjects to be addressed in these Seminars emerge from statistic data, as well as the needs, the priorities and the demands of women themselves. The current situation was portrayed by a survey that was carried out by IME/GSEVEE’s Equality Office, according to which it is obvious that gender stereotypes regarding the presence and activities of women on the public sphere are well established and entrenched.

  • In many cases their participation in collective bodies and representative institutions is very low, if not non-existent.
  • The percentage of female participation is lower the higher we climb the hierarchy ladder.
  • Women seem to overpopulate specific professional sectors, mainly sectors of low competitiveness. Consequently, this affects their financial status.
  • The need to reconcile family and professional life remains an important issue for women.

Based on the above findings, the subject areas that will be covered by the Seminars include the following:

  • Strategies for the development of communication, management and leadership skills.
  • Female entrepreneurship in novel business areas – special characteristics of female entrepreneurship.
  • Reconciliation of family and professional life.
  • Issues concerning the equal male and female representation in collective bodies.

Target Groups

These Seminars appeal to:

  • Self-employed women
  • Female employers that are active in the manufacturing, services or trade sectors.

Women who can participate in the Seminars may already be members of unions and local or sectoral federations, but they may also have no affiliation with any collective organization.

The number of beneficiaries from this particular action is estimated at around 100 women.







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